
Beowulf Compared To Today's Hero

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How does Beowulf's heroic acts compare to today's heroes. The definition of a hero is someone who goes above and beyond the call of duty, someone who cares for others more than himself, and someone who courageous actions that could get them killed in order to save someone.In regards to Beowulf, I believe that he fits those needs. His strength is overpowering compared to anyone else. He says “Then he drew himself up beside his shield. The gabled warrior in his war shirt and helmet, trusted in his own strength entirely and went under the crag, No coward’s path.” (line 297-300 page 34). When fighting the monster he does not need any weapons showing he has more that enough brute strength in his hands and his hands will do more damage than any …show more content…

Telling his men that he does not need them to fight Grendel is a way he shows off his pride and keeping his honor. He does not seem to be full of himself because he does defeat the monster with his bare hands, he even rips the arm off of Grendel. This shows me that Beowulf is slowly taking Grendel's pride and honor of being a fierce creature that everyone fears and does not want to mess with, to just a play toy to Beowulf that he can just rip his arm off. This major battle with this horrible monster took place in his home which is a cave, being destroyed on your own land just strips the pride and honor from you. Going to todays world with the example of the Firefighter, when a firefighter is in full official uniform people around the room gain a great respect for that person which the firefighter will feel great honor and pride inside of him and does express it like how Beowulf did destroy a monster with his bare hands. Having pride and honor just feels good and being respectable adds more to the job than anything. Firefighters create great honor in their workforce and in this world, heading into burning buildings that can fall down at any moment to save a life.
How does beowulf's heroic acts compare to today's heroes.Becoming a hero you do not necessarily need brute strength, but can have mental strength as well. Having pride and honor is

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