
Beowulf As A Hero Essay

Decent Essays

In the epic poem of Beowulf, the main hero, Beowulf, proves himself as the hero everyone thinks he is over and over again. Whenever the revered hero and his men face adversity, they simply do not shy away. They will stand against it and fight to the end to protect the goodwill of others. Although there are different definitions of what a hero is, there is only one that really sticks out to me. Beowulf represents this definition of a hero because of his courageousness and selflessness. He simply doesn’t care if he dies, but he will do whatever it takes to protect others. A good example of his courageousness and selflessness was when he had the swimming match against Breca. When they were out at sea and swimming as hard as they could, Breca struggled and almost drowned. However, Beowulf, being the honorable hero, even risked himself to save Breca and swim them both back to shore. Even though Breca was a little bit embarrassed in the end by Beowulf saving his life, Beowulf doesn’t try to over exaggerate what happened and doesn’t get mad at Breca. …show more content…

If anyone tries to take away that status from him, then there are either issues in their head, or they haven’t read the book. When Beowulf walks through the city streets, the act is still more impressive and heroic than everything heroic about our modern age. Beowulf is the pinnacle of heroism and he exerts heroism from every part of his body. But if there were to be a defense for how heroic he was, I would use this point: how many of you contain the power of 30 men in each of your arms, fought off a demonic, frightening, foul beast, and then killed her son? Also, how many of you have fought off a dragon when you were in your fifties? The fact that he retained his honor and pride in his late age when he fought the dragon and ultimately died is incredible. Other heroes hope to one day be even somewhat as heroic as Beowulf once

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