
Beowulf As A Literary Hero

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Many things evolve throughout time, including literature. Literature shapes many things including who people view as heros and what troubles a hero might face. In the past and throughout literature, heros had supernatural powers that made them greater than their peers and made them fit to be the hero. Today, the literary hero is a normal person who is in an abnormal situation and can make it through that situation, healthy and happy. The struggles of the hero have become more and more of an everyday struggle rather than a big, life-or-death battle. The hero has also become more diverse rather than the straight white male it has consistently been in the past. It shows how literature can reflect society and shape society. As literature has changed, …show more content…

Grendel is the demon that is so big he can swoop up thirty men in one hand and eat them. He, of course, is no match for Beowulf because he is so strong he can rip off Grendel’s arm, which he does. Beowulf then goes on to fight Grendel’s mother, who fights him with Grendel’s torn off arm. They fight underwater, showing how Beowulf has the superhuman power of breathing underwater. He wins the fight and goes on to his third and final test, the dragon. During this battle, he dies. Many heroes during this time period died during battle, dying bravely and valiantly. This is a characteristic only the most heroic heros have. Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien represents the literary hero evolving throughout the Great Depression Era. The Great Depression brought about an abundance of new reading materials for people. Most people could not afford many books so they favored books that were large and took a long time to read. This means that the characters in those books would have to go on a long adventure. Bilbo Baggins did exactly that by fighting trolls, a decayed ring-obsessed human, and a …show more content…

She is just a teenage girl. She learns archery from her father and became very good at it. She uses this talent several times throughout the novel; however, she does not survive solely on this talent. She uses her quick wits to assess the situation and best use her talents to save her life. For example, “Katniss negotiates the safety of her family, the stability of her relationships, and the quality of her own emotional life”(Kirby 463). She uses solely her cleverness in many of the scenarios. The main obstacle she faces is the hunger games; however, she faces many problems while in the game. One of the problems she faces during this time, is being stuck in a tree with people who want to kill her at the bottom. She got out of this problem by using her brainpower, not skills. She cut down a trackerjacket nest, sending hundreds of hornet-like creatures on the group below. She then faces the problem of her love interest falling sick. She has to get medicine and to do that she has to win affection of the viewers. She uses her smarts to do that, not her physical ability. The final battle she faces is getting out of the game with two people alive. The rules only allow for one. She again does this by outsmarting the rulemakers. In the end, it is her intelligence that gets her out

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