
Beowulf As An Ultimate Hero

Decent Essays

Emon Nguyen Mrs. Hunter English 12 19 September 2017 Beowulf: the archetypal (ultimate) hero Archetypal heroes are found in many literary works, and in varied forms. In literary terms, a hero (male) or heroine (female) is defined as a character that goes against adversity, has great strength, courage, bravery, and who makes unselfish sacrifices, usually for the greater good. The Collins English Dictionary defines “archetypal” as a perfect example of something. Archetypes in literature was first applied by Carl Jung (1875-1961), a Swiss psychiatrist. Jung recognized patterns in mythologies and stories regardless of the time period that was covered by the literary work. Archetypal heroes present in various forms including warriors, …show more content…

It is that characteristic to want to help others even if it means sacrificing your life, that supports designating Beowulf as an archetypal hero. The 14 men that went with Beowulf made up the band of companions or supporters of the hero that is typically found in stories about heroes. Beowulf and his men were very brave. Bravery is another characteristic of an archetypal hero. Upon safely reaching Denmark, the great warrior, along with his men, devised a plan to trap and kill the monster. Beowulf and Grendel came face to face in a good versus evil struggle. Heroes often face a struggle of some sort (mental or physical). Beowulf was very, very strong as heroes are. The evil monster was shocked at the strength of Beowulf, not expecting to encounter one with such strength. Beowulf ripped the monster’s arm off. (Line #__) . Fearful for his life, Grendel struggled to free himself from the grip of Beowulf. “Grendel’s one thought was to run from Beowulf and flee…” (314-315). Great strength, as exhibited by Beowulf and recognized by Grendel, is yet another characteristic of an ultimate hero. In a gesture of boasting (as archetypal heroes do), Beowulf put the monster’s arm on display like a trophy for all to see. Grendel was not dead, but Beowulf had caused significant damage to the creature. Another example of Beowolf’s strength and courage is when the

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