
Beowulf As A Modern Hero Analysis

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“Whether ancient or modern, the distinctive characteristic of the heroic figure… ‘Is willing to risk death.’” ( Heroes are willing to face the fear of constant violent death and embrace fate to have inner peace or exceptional value within themselves. The model hero in ancient times was the type to kill and conquer just to be remembered whereas today, things have shimmered down. Beowulf’s effectiveness as a modern-day hero has taught us something that will stick forever, loyalty, courage, and bravery.
Beowulf show loyalty all throughout his poem and it shows that Beowulf did not just want fame, he was after something else as well. One always says that there is always a reason why one does things and there was a reason why Beowulf decided to face what he faced during his heroic journey. Beowulf’s only want is not only the want that he has for fame, but also the actions and responsibilities that he takes on along with that task. Weather doing this or the reputation that he also has the need to desire, he has a deeper meaning for all of this, which is the honor that his father has previously earned. Being from the family that he from, he is obligated by blood to follow in his fathers’ footstep. His loyalty to his deceased father was pretty much strong throughout the whole poem. Beowulf shows loyalty when he helps the kingdom that his father had served. Beowulf also shows loyalty when he said
“My people have said, the wisest, most knowing And best of them, that

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