
Beowulf Character Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Kelsey Eiseman
Dr. Reamer
English 270
Character Analysis and Growth of Beowulf Mythical tale’s always have a hero who faces darkness, the unknown, and the evil. “The hero of all heroes” is otherwise known as Beowulf. As the title character of the Old English epic Beowulf written by anonymous author, he is a classic epic hero. Beowulf is a long narrative poem or story about the brave deeds of a hero who has three confrontations with different monsters. Beowulf, strong and courageous, is the prince of Geats. He is reluctant to back down from battle, just so he can be there for people who are in great need to be saved from evil. Once he makes a vow, he stands by his word, no matter what the cost, even if it may take his life. He …show more content…

Beowulf can be seen a strong, victorious, and full of pride in his battle against Grendel and Grendel’s mother. In both of these examples, Beowulf is successful in his feats. Beowulf portrays himself as confident man with no fear. Beowulf goes into the fight with Grendel fully confident that he will come back alive, even without using his weapons, he announces, “I hereby renounce sword and the shelter of the broad shield, the heavy warboard: hand-to-hand is how it will be…”(Beowulf 55). Beowulf knows he is a strong, young fighter and is the only one capable of defeating Grendel. Beowulf proves his capability to defeat the monster by being rewarded with Grendel’s arm. As described, “The monster’s whole body was in pain, a tremendous wound appeared on his shoulder. Sinews split and the bone – lappings burst. Beowulf was granted the glory of winning..”(Beowulf 57). He claimed the arm as a trophy for his success. Fighting Grendel with no armor and keeping Grendel’s arm as a prize proves that Beowulf’s character had developed into a confident, young hero, who was fighting for the glory of all of it while protecting his people. He gains respect and admiration for performing these heroic acts and having amiable qualities. As a young leader, Beowulf takes pride in his accomplishments and gives himself …show more content…

He is given the responsibility of being the king of people who look up to him and rely on him for their safety. He becomes more mature as the story goes on and he takes the initiative that a king must take to protect his people. When he is no longer as strong and beautiful as he once was, he finds comfort not in pride, but in the support he has gained from his people. When he fights the dragon he fought to save his people, even if it meant his life. Still being courageous, Beowulf has a new level headedness about this fight. He spoke, “I risked my life often when I was young. Now I am old, but as king of the people I shall pursue this fight for the glory of winning..”(CITE). He is still portraying himself as a protector, but his courage and confidence with the dragon has diminished. He understands that he is older in the way that he addresses his companions and says, “I would rather not use a weapon if I knew another way to grapple with the dragon and make good my boast as I did against Grendel in days gone by” (CITE). He remembers the young hero he once way, and addresses how courageous and confident he was. Beowulf acknowledges that he needs help and protection from his weapon and shield and realizes that he is no longer at the height of his ability. Beowulf fought the dragon as a hero who was fighting for protection of his people, the people he cared

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