
Beowulf Epic Hero

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"History teaches the essential qualities of a typical hero: bravery, courage, wit, though an epic hero utilizes a trait unorthodox to most of humanity -- a fatal flaw." Beowulf, an epic poem composed by an unknown Anglo-Saxon, is the first piece of work written in Old English. It tells the story of a warrior, (of the same name), and his quests to defeat all evil that terrorizes the Scandinavian regions. The epic poem was told in order to encourage men to help defend their lands.The Anglo-Saxon men were ones who believed in being heroes for their people. Like Beowulf, tales were told to show how a warrior should behave. Beowulf illustrates an epic hero by: risking death for the greater good, performing brave deeds, and by reflecting the ideas …show more content…

Whether it be the battle with Grendel's mother, or the final battle with the dragon, Beowulf was always prepared to conquer or die trying. For example, before the battle with Grendel, Beowulf expresses, "My lord Higlac might think less of me if I let my sword go where my feet were afraid to.. my hands alone shall fight for me, struggle for life against the monster." (Raffel, ll. 248 - 253) In this quote, Beowulf is declaring that he will fight boldly and defeat Grendel. Another example of Beowulf gambling with his life is when he stated, "No, I expect no Danes will fret about sewing our shroud, if [Grendel] wins. And if death does take me, send the hammered mail of my armour to Higlac..." (Raffel, ll. 263 - 266) here, Beowulf is stating that even if he does perish, he wants his homeland to remember him. The characteristic of risking death is very heroic in every aspect, but Beowulf presents it with no …show more content…

"In Anglo-Saxon culture and literature, to be a hero is to be a warrior. A hero had to be strong, intelligent, and courageous." Beowulf was a very prideful warrior, he loved to let others know of his victories. Once again with the scene of Beowulf and Unferth, Beowulf states, "... I was the strongest swimmer of them all." (Heaney, ll. 534) He also included, "When it comes to fighting, I count myself as dangerous any day as Grendel." (Heaney, ll. 677 - 678) Anglo-Saxon are also widely significant. This is shown when the narrator states that, "Beowulf was quickly brought to the chamber: the winner of fights, the arch-winner..." (Heaney, ll.1310 - 1311) This quote emphasizes what others thought of the warrior Beowulf. Other Anglo-Saxon characteristics include: loyalty, generosity, courtesy, etc.; all of which exhibited at one point in the

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