
Beowulf Is A Hero

Decent Essays

Have you ever thought about what a hero means to you? To me, a hero is someone who is courageous and who is admired for the brave accomplishments one has done. Beowulf is the perfect example of a hero. He was brave, selfless, and humble. My grandfather is also a good example of a hero, because he too, is selfless and humble. Beowulf is one of the bravest heroes that I’ve heard of. He is also a hero that is courageous. There was once a time when he made the decision to go to battle, however he left many men behind. He chose to go fight alone when he had the option to have his men help him defeat Grendel. Beowulf is not only courageous, but he is a brave soul. He shows us how brave he is by striving to do whatever he can to keep his people safe. He would do, without a doubt, anything to protect his people, and that is one of his biggest qualities. Being brave and courageous aren’t Beowulf’s only qualities. He is selfless. When Hrothgar dies, he leaves all his good to Beowulf. When he has these goods in his possession, he holds on to them until he dies. When Beowulf eventually passes, he shows his selflessness by giving all the money and treasure to his people. He did this because he wanted to die knowing he helped his people. Beowulf is a humble man. He shows us how humble he is when he goes to fight Grendel. When Beowulf decides to go to battle with Grendel, he chooses to fight him alone. He wants to fight him man to man, with an even battle. He fights Grendel with nothing but himself. He doesn’t have his armor, a sword, or even anything at all to fight against him with. Beowulf was the type of man that was okay with dying knowing he would still be famous. He chose to put his life into the hands of God so if the God’s thought it was his time to pass, that was his time, and he was okay with that. Beowulf isn’t the only hero out there. Some people have their own heroes they look up to. For myself, my hero is my Grandfather. His name is Kent Lewis, however I call him Pawpaw. He is a well known man for both good and bad. Today he is known for the great man he has become throughout the years. He is a man that strives to be a better man than he was yesterday. My grandfather, like Beowulf, is selfless.

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