
Beowulf Is A True Hero

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Who is a true hero? I believe that Beowulf is a true hero one who is brave loyal and puts himself in danger to save others. Beowulf fought many monsters who attacked villages. He later on becomes king of the Geeks for 50 years after the Geeks got attacked by a Dragon. Beowulf went with a small army to kill the dragon, Beowulf kills the dragon but the dragon's venom kills Beowulf and Wiglaf the last man standing behind Beowulf becomes king because he stayed loyal to Beowulf. Throughout Beowulf’s quest to help other people you get to see some of his hero characteristics like his bravery, loyalty, and strength.

One characteristic that a true hero has to have is bravery. A hero cannot fear anything it is up againsts. Beowulf’s bravery is shown when he says ‘’I swim in the blackness of night hunting monsters out of the ocean and killing them one by one’’ (Beowulf 38). We know Beowulf is not scared of anything he is up against even the scary and cold-hearted Grendel ‘’He slipped through the door and there in the silence Snatched up thirty men smashed them Unknowing in their beds and ran out with their bodies’’ (Beowulf 34). From these examples we can see how brave Beowulf really is. …show more content…

His quests are started by his loyalty towards others. Beowulf went to fight Grendel for Hrothgar and when he meets Wiglaf he says ‘’Hail Hrothgar” (Beowulf 37) which shows loyalty towards Hrothgar. Even when Beowulf later on became king he still remained loyal to his people. Beowulf went on to fight the dragon with a small army for his people. He ended up killing the Dragon, and dying for his people ‘’His famous king blooby, gasping For breath’’ (Beowulf 58). Beowulf was loyal until the end and ended up sacrificing himself for others, that is true

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