
Binders Vs Notebooks

Decent Essays

Binders or Notebooks? By: Taylor Phillips

Imagine having people bring tape to your table every day because they know you're going to have a paper tsunami. Tables in the classrooms after class look like a tornado hit, causing teachers to become frustrated. All of this destruction is caused by the lack of organization the binders hold. notebooks have a better organization system, allowing no papers to become ripped or torn out. There are many reasons notebooks are a better choice rather than binders, such as binders breaking and losing papers, having all class assignments in one place and not being able to find the right assignment, and binders are a disadvantage to left handed people. What would it be like without the paper hassle, are notebooks the better option?

There are always two options on what you can use for your writing. Some individuals prefer to use binders while others would rather use notebooks. Students at a Jr. High School feel that students should be able to use whatever writing skill they …show more content…

Some may think organizing work like this is useful and makes life much easier, however a larger majority of individuals prefer to use notebooks rather than binders. Having all of your assignment work squeezed into one area is harder than a person may think. When you try to look for a specified class to get out an assignment, it becomes difficult because papers being to rip, get stuck in the rings, and many other disastrous things. It also becomes very time consuming while trying to get into a binder. When a student is looking in their binders for an assignment, it takes a long period of time to find what they're looking for, causing students to lose education time. However if you use a notebook you can simply pull it out of your bag, find the page you're looking for, and begin your work. No missed time or hassle at all! Maybe it's time to change your

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