
Business Case And Moral Case Justification For Diversity Management

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Organisations have sought out to have a more diverse workforce, as it is claimed to increase organisational effectiveness. A team with individuals from different social group, personalities, values and beliefs, and etcetera, when managed well, can be an asset to the organisation. More often than not, there will be some sort of discrimination in the workplace, especially with a very diverse workforce. Therefore, with proper training and benefits to ensure the development of these employees, and legislation and policy to ensure equality and reduce discrimination within the workforce, it can drive competitive advantage and organisational profit. When looking at diversity in the workforce, the business case and the moral case justification are often necessary. The following paragraphs will talk more about the business case and moral case, and the linkages between them, as well as the theories and conceptual frameworks for the business and moral cases justification for diversity management in organisations.
The business case for diversity is often expressed in terms of managing diversity (Urwin et al. 2013). It is defined as managing the diversity in the workforce to reduce or eradicate the discrimination amongst the employees in the workplace. From the business case perspective, the main focus will usually be on equality practices, or diverse workforce that will possibly benefit the organisation. Thus, from the business case perspective, organisations will recruit and select

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