
Cadillac Desert Water Analysis

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The 1997 four-part documentary series called Cadillac Desert: Water and the Transformation of Nature is about money, politics, water, and the transformation of nature as the title obviously suggests. The first three parts are based on the book written by Marc Reisner titled, Cadillac Desert, while the final portion of the film is based on Last Oasis by Sandra Postel. These parts together show the growth of a community in the deserts of the American West. The first three parts give a rundown on the history of water use in the desert areas of the American West, it also shows the great misuse of water in the same area. The last part, chronicles the impact of different policies and technological advances that came from the American West. It focuses on how projects to help conservation will eventually protect what water we have left in the area and the rest of the world if they follow the same models. The first part entitled Mulholland’s Dream follows the then Water Department chief in his journey to bring water to the ever growing city of Los Angeles. William Mulholland originally came from Ireland, when he came to America he worked in the L.A. water department. Mulholland desperately wanted to conserve what little water the …show more content…

President FDR and the Bureau of Reclamation joined forces and funded the largest water project in history, this project was centralized in California and was called the Central Valley Project. The land which was meant to go to small farmers, ended up only benefiting large companies and illegally for that matter. The water abuse was finally challenged when birds started becoming deformed due to toxic runoff, as well as a six year drought. Water reformation laws were passed, but the damage had already been done and the farms that once populated the Central Valley left the

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