
Cell Phones in School

Decent Essays

Have you ever heard of the gruesome Columbine High School massacre? This incident occurred on April 20th 1999 and involved two students embarking on a shooting rampage, killing twelve students, a teacher and wounding twenty three others. Unfortunately during this incident, the school 's most easily accessible phone was on the complete other side of the school in the library. Perhaps some of these lives could have been saved if the students in this class had cell phones that they could 've used to contact the authorities more quickly. The issue we are addressing today is the usage of cellular devices in educational facilities. Both Cameron and myself believe that cell phone usage is of extreme convenience, and has academically beneficial …show more content…

Although there are people who do this, is that the only way that kids cheat? Absolutely not. Pens and paper might as well be banned also if schools are going to be banning cell phones and iPods for the reason of cheating. Maybe every student who is taking a test should be equipped with a pair of ear plugs, so to stop them from asking a student next to them for an answer. According to a survey given to teachers at several schools in Boston, students using cheat sheets and passing notes are six times more common than kids who cheat with phones. Although it is debatable as to weather students should be allowed to use cell phones during classes, free time at school is also a time at which students who use cell phones are persecuted. If one needs to talk to somebody about something important, it is slightly unreasonable that he or she should have to sneak around with their phones during free time in flex or lunch. Why should somebody not be allowed to use a cellular device during their personal time? There are really no legitimate reasons. I still maintain to this day that school is a place to learn languages, learn maths, learn history, and, most importantly, learn how to learn. It is not a place to learn conformity or regulations that have no bearing on society, or becoming a drone who automatically accepts everything an authority figure tells them. My best teachers encouraged me to

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