
Cellular Respiration Lab Report

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Cell Respiration Lab Purpose The Purpose of the Cell Respiration Lab is to find the different levels of Oxygen consumption, and Carbon dioxide production in organisms releasing different amounts of energy a relative period of time. Hypothesis In this Lab, the amount of Carbon Dioxide produced will be the highest in the germinating seeds, because they are undergoing the highest amount of cellular respiration, as they need energy for growth; the same reason why the non-germinating pea will have the lowest amount of Carbon Dioxide. The amount of Oxygen consumed by the cold germinating peas will be substantially less, as when the temperature decreases, so does the amount of kinetic energy, so the molecules function slower. Background Cellular …show more content…

In the lab, the Carbon Dioxide production in the germinating peas was significantly greater than the Carbon dioxide production in the non germinating peas, and the iced peas. This supported my hypothesis that the germinating Peas would undergo the most Cellular Respiration. The peas, in the cold water at 6 degrees Celsius ascertained my hypothesis by being higher than the non germinating peas. They were slower in Carbon dioxide production than the room temperature germinating peas because as the temperature drops, the molecules function slower, causing them to take in less Oxygen for energy. Because the peas that are at 23 degrees Celsius are warm, germinating, and ready to grow, they require more energy, resulting in more respiration. The non-germinating peas have the least Carbon Dioxide production because as they are dormant, and have no need for energy to grow. Our results are reliable, so farther experiments would include more trials between the room temperature germinating peas, and the iced germinating peas. This would provide a more accurate average rate of carbon dioxide increase, and decrease the errors. More extreme temperature between the peas would be tested to insure that the difference in gas production was a metabolic reaction. Another trial would to be to use other types of seeds to ensure that this reaction is not only sectionalised to pea

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