
Child Abuse Signs

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In order to help prevent child abuse, people should know the symptoms, know what’s needed, and report it. There are many signs people can see to know if a child is being abused, and signs to know if a parent is abusive. Some of the signs you may see from the kid include sudden change in behavior or school performance, alertness, watching for something bad to happen, acting out behavior, leaving home early, going home late, not wanting to go home, fear when approaching adults, injuries, black eyes, broken bones, bruise marks, unexplained marks, choke marks, circular marks around wrist. There are more signs you may know about, but also may not. The article “Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect in the University System of MaryLand”, states some …show more content…

In addition they also state “Physically injurious behavior beyond physical discipline Unexplained bruises; or a pattern of bruises Cuts and burns (cigarette, liquid) to the body Rope marks or burns Fractures/broken bones Welts, abrasions Bite marks or puncture wounds” (“reporting”)” Some things can really go to the extremes. Parents can be really harsh to kids and knowing the signs to help report child abuse is really helpful. In addition to knowing symptoms here are some other things that will be a big help when trying to help a kids around you by reporting the information that needed to make sure the child is safe. As well as knowing symptoms for abuse, it is also helpful know what will be needed. When calling to help a kid out who may be in need of help because signs of abuse have been seen, they will ask you some questions to get information for your reason to believe why the child is abused and information on how to begin their investigation. The authorities need proper information to be able to decide if the child in in a situation of child abuse or in a situation of

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