
Compare And Contrast Unferth And Beowulf

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In the epic poem Beowulf, the story introduces two different warriors. The epic poem introduces the mighty geat warrior, who goes by the name Beowulf where the epic poem is about. Later in the story, it introduces a minor conflict between Beowulf and Hrothgar’s right hand man named Unferth. Unferth creates tension through insulting Beowulf and accusing of his tales to be fake and that he is not a better warrior than Unferth, himself. However, throughout the story Beowulf proves countless times that he is the better warrior than Unferth. Beowulf and Unferth, two warriors who crossed pathswith Beowulf’s great journey to kill Grendel. Beowulf came from what is now Southern Sweden and is the son of Ecgtheow. Beowulf journeyed to Herot to fight Hrothgar’s problem, Grendel. While Beowulf was preparing for his battle against Grendel, he encounters Hrothgar’s Right Hand Man, Unferth, and the two had an argument. Both Beowulf and Unferth had arguments which had valid points against each other. When Unferth talked to Beowulf, he calls Beowulf out with his stories that were spread across the land. Unferth stated “the same Boastful Fool who fought a swimming match with Brecca,” (Ln 239-240). Unferth showed no interest with Beowulf calling him a boastful fool for going aginst Brecca, who was considered the strongest of men. Unferth continued saying that Beowulf struggled against Brecca for seven long nights and still lost. Unferth said ‘young and proud, exploring the deepest seas,

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