
Corporal Punishment Should Be Illegal

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Corporal punishment should be illegal at home. Although, others might disagree with the way a child should be punished. Many adults, researcher, psychiatrist, doctors, parents, and teens have negative comments on corporal punishment. Today, all around the world we see parents discipline their kids in many forms of ways like spanking and multiple people see it as child abuse. Before beginning this controversial debate, we should distinguish the difference between child abuse and corporal punishment. Child abuse is when a parent or a caregiver fails to act upon action like injury, death, and emotional abuse combined with physical abuse. There are many forms of maltreatment, which includes neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation and emotional abuse. Corporal punishment is when a parent or legal guardians causes physical pain or discomfort to a child due to misbehaving. Examples include spanking or slapping the child with an open hand or striking with an implement such as a belt, slipper, cane, hairbrush or paddle, and can also include shaking, pinching, forced ingestion of substances, or forcing children to stay in uncomfortable positions. In fact, parents often take it too far when it comes to punishing their child, which soon leads to a bigger issue. Corporal punishment has been around since the Middle age like at school, home, and for when a person convicted a crime. Today, some schools have banned corporal punishment like in Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, etc., because researcher has shown that corporal punishment can cause students more harm and paying less attention in school. What are others opinion about corporal punishment? One parent said,” They’d been spanked as a child, and they turned out “ pretty good” (Polhemus, Betsy, et al.Is spanking an effective punishment). Scott Morefield who is a blog editor for Raising Godly Children argues that,”That spanking and abuse are not synonymous and that corporal punishment has been used by parents throughout civilization. He also notes that support for physical discipline can be found in the Bible (Morefield, Scott. "Parents Should Have the Right to Properly Discipline their Children"). However, many disagree that using physical

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