
Critical Thinking : Sociological Imagination

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Major points One of the major points in chapter one is Sociological Imagination which is a connection between a person’s person life and social factors that play a role in affecting someone’s life. For example a young man was just released from prison, he searches for a job. Due to his criminal record employers will not hire him. As a last resort he turns back on his old ways of illegal activity. The personal issue here is that the young man cannot find a job but the social factor is there is not many job out there for felons. I believe Social Imagination is meant to open our minds to think in a wider aspect of why some of our problems occur. Another major point in chapter one is called Critical Thinking. Critical Thinking is the processes of being able to agree with a statement by looking at what facts and evidence can back it up. Wade and Tavis created a simple six plan rule to help us think in a more critical way. It consists of six steps. The first one being able to ask tough questions that other might be afraid to ask tough questions others might be afraid to. Step number to be to be able to think clearly and consider all the evidence to explain your argument. Next is to be opened minded and think of how someone else’s agreement or disagreement might also be correct. After that we should always look at the big picture analyzing a problem and lastly be able to admit when you’re wrong. Agreement Emile Durkheim talks about how social facts beliefs and social duties can

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