
Dementia D1 For Assigment

Decent Essays

Dementia D1
In this part of the essay I will evaluate how different approaches to caring for people with dementia can affect individual outcomes. I will evaluate the difference of someone living at home with dementia and someone who is living in a care home also suffering with dementia. When living at home with dementia the individual will have professional help come to them to help with daily tasks such as supervising medication intake, enabling optimum health and safety at home, providing a patient listening ear and friendly face, cooking, housekeeping and general errands, helping to facilitate routine, familiarly and comfort for their loved one at a difficult time. When someone moves from their home into a care home it can be very …show more content…

This is where abuse such as financial abuse can happen. Financial abuse could involve:
Forcing someone to give or lend money
Withholding money or assets to the disadvantage of the adult to whom they belong
Using someone’s credit or debit card without permission
Being charged excessive amounts for services
Inappropriate use of power of attorney
While financial abuse often goes unreported, short changed revealed that 15% of respondents reported that the person living with dementia have been a victim of financial abuse such as cold calling, scam mail or miss-selling. 62% of carers reported that the person they care for had been approached by cold callers or doorstep sales people, and 70% reported that telephone callers routinely targeted the person they care for. Not only have people lost money, but they and their families have also been suffering stress, exhaustion and frustration as a result.
Physical and emotional abuse can also take place at the individual’s home. This can also be from their carer, family and friends. As there is no one around apart from their abusers, it is often likely that the abuse goes on without anyone knowing. The person abusing could also assure loved ones or the carer that the person suffering with dementia is lying about being abused or isn’t mentally able. This is also a problem when it comes to prosecuting people who have

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