
Epic Hero In Beowulf

Decent Essays

Nobility of Mankind
The foremost valued trait of a gallant is the champion hero. The one who takes on the belligerent task, the repercussions of fear enclosed by the tribulations. A typical epic usually contains challenges, journeys, adventures and crucially, a hero. An epic hero has several characteristics that make him idiosyncratic. The individual usually comes from a noble family, which means, a noble birth. They also tend to have superhuman strength and accomplish beyond the platitude human deeds. A requisite in all Epic stories is that this hero must go on a quest in search of something. This quest, also known as a journey, holds several challenges and unexpected turns that the hero must overcome those larger-than-life challenges.
Beowulf, an epic hero, is a prime example that fits the standard qualities of an epic hero. He is noble, brave, and has superhuman strength, not only in his body but also in his heart. This strength is one that makes him think of himself as immortal and invincible. What Beowulf lacks despite this, is a sense of self-knowledge, something learned about oneself through experiences, but he gains this characteristic through his epic quest in which he will realize that in fact, he is not immortal. Beowulf does not gain self-knowledge; there is a multitude of events which lead up to his inner realization.
Grendel is a powerful monster who terrorizes the Danes. He is feared of immensely by all of the people and nobody who has the courage to withstand

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