
Beowulf Epic Hero

Decent Essays

An epic poem is a long writing that tells about a hero’s journeys and battles with gods and mythical creatures. An epic hero is someone with all of the characteristics valued in that time period. In the epic Beowulf, recorded around 1000 AD, a noble named Beowulf fought monster for the glory and admiration of his victories to be known throughout time. Beowulf is an epic hero because of his descent into the underworld, his super human strength, and his vengefulness. Clearly, Beowulf is an epic hero because of his decent into the underworld. Although Beowulf did not descend into the true fiery underworld of hell, he did descend into the deep water of Grendel’s Mother’s lair where no man has been before. The epic, Beowulf, says, “For hours he sank through the waves,” Cantos 22, line 367-368. This shows how far he had to go to get to Grendel’s mother’s lair. Beowulf had no choice but to go to the lair and kill her because she killed Hrothgar’s faithful servant. Beowulf also says, “As all words ended he leaped into the lake, would not wait for anyone’s answer,” Cantos 22, line 364-366. This means that Beowulf was the only one brave enough and capable enough to descend into …show more content…

Beowulf is stronger than any normal man. The epic, Beowulf, says, “That shepherd of evil, guardian of crime, knew at once that nowhere on earth had he met a man whose hands were harder,” Cantos 11 lines 191-193. Even the demon, Grendel, was being overpowered by Beowulf. Beowulf is so strong that he does not even use weapons or armor to fight many types of monsters. When he faced Grendel, Beowulf used his strength to rip Grendel’s arm from his socket. Not only was Beowulf able to rip Grendel’s arm off, but he also used a huge sword that was made by giants to kill Grendel’s mother. No mortal man could even imagine of wielding such a heavy weapon, but Beowulf used his super strength to swing that sword and finish that monster

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