
Essay On My Grandfather

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My Grandpa is Awesome I think the person who has had the most profound effect on my life besides my parents is my grandfather. I never realized before how much of an effect he had on my interests and goals for the future. Years ago, he used to tell me stories about historical events and experiences he had fighting in Vietnam and my great grandfather fighting in World War 2. His vivid descriptions always made it so interesting and, in some cases, more light-hearted than what actually happened. To this day he still has more stories to tell me, and never fails to captivate my interest. In doing this, he opened my eyes to my biggest interest, history, and encouraged me to pursue this interest throughout school. I feel like it would help to give a short summary of his life and how it affected me. My grandpa was born in 1946 and has 5 siblings, with him being the oldest among them. His father immigrated to Minnesota from Germany a few years before World War 2. My grandpa told me stories about my great-grandpa fighting for the Americans during the war, and at one point he was captured for several months by the Germans. He said they treated him surprisingly well, with his release following the collapse of Germany and Soviet occupation of Berlin. After the war, he returned to his farm in Minnesota where I believe he spent the rest of his life working until his death. My grandpa and his siblings also spent most of their childhood and teenage years helping on the farm.

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