
Essay about FXT2 Task2

Decent Essays

FXT2 Task 2 This is a post event evaluation. It is used to gather information about an incident. 1. Describe the nature of the incident. The nature of this event describes an internal breach of security in order to access and manipulate sensitive data. This internal breach was caught by the auditor, but the communications from the auditor to those who’s data was breached was intercepted. It was determined that authentication and encryption controls as well as a lack of PKI should have been implemented in order to prevent this breach of data. 2. Identify who needs to be notified based on the type and severity of the incident. Notify Reason Severity of the incident President of Company Directly affected and upper …show more content…

The system can be restored to normal business practice by either using a backup that carried the correct data and restored the files that were affected. An incremental restore. The system could also be returned to its normal state with the human resource department going through the payroll and changing the files that were affected back to their normal pay scale. Without adding additional security though, the system is still vulnerable. 5a. Explain how the system could be verified as operational. The system is verified as operational when all files have been restored to the normal state and the system is running smoothly. Management will need to review the affected files to ensure that the information in them is correct. 1. Identify areas that were not addressed by the IT staff’s response to the incident. One of the areas that were not identified was how the network system allowed the spoofing and was not caught much earlier. Were permissions already in place? Do they have a network logging system that analyzes the logs? The lack of other system checks were not addressed in this scenario. 2. Outline the other attacks mentioned in the scenario that were not noticed by the organization. An attack that was not mentioned in the scenario was social engineering. The employee that manipulated the system used social engineering as well to convince the auditor that not only did the emails get sent by the person to whom they were

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