
Free Wi Fi Is An Impressive Method For Retaining And Attracting Customers Essay

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Free Wi-Fi is an impressive method for retaining and attracting customers. Additionally, everyone wants free Wi-Fi, especially when mobile social networking has tremendously grown over the past decade. Therefore, due to the explosion of mobile devices, consumers are now more connected than ever. Thus, they have come to expect businesses to offer free Wi-Fi. Further, free Wi-Fi can be an effective business strategy, and has proven to be a competitive advantage for a company that decides to offer it. However, first a business must decide if the service is going to be free to all, free to only a select few, or a monthly charge. Consequently, businesses that decline to offer the free service, are at risk of declining foot traffic and sales. Although some of the businesses that decide to offer free Wi-Fi, may discover that the service can, increase brand awareness, increase the time that a customer spends on the premises, and increase foot traffic, which in turn, can translate into sales. Free Wi-Fi is currently available at some public and private businesses. However, a consumer may decide not to frequent a business that does not offer the free service, instead, choosing to shop at a business that does. Nevertheless, offering free Wi-Fi can produce additional benefits and advantages for a business. For example, the business can ensure that the company’s website is the home page of the connection, share real-time offers, and create business specific ads. Ultimately, setting up a

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