
Harley Davidson Analysis

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Harley Davidson Analysis

We think it would be interesting to quote first Harley-Davidson 's mission, in order to get a first approach of what is the purpose of the company from their point of view. The mission talks first about dreams, rather than motorcycles, which is what the public has in mind. This mission says:

"We fulfill dreams through the …show more content…

For those who have purchased Harley products in the past, these ads serve to remind them of the benefits they enjoy through their ownership. The purpose of Harley-Davidson 's personal selling is to persuade customers to purchase their motorcycles, parts, and accessories. A direct response is generated through the contact between the sales representative and the customer.

Harley-Davidson 's promotion is designed to move customers from ignorance to awareness. Harley-Davidson 's advertisements contain very little if any persuasive material on specific models or comparisons between other brands. Instead, they simply show the product in use in a typical setting. Because Harley-Davidson has built such a strong reputation over the years, much of their promotion occurs through word of mouth. At this stage in the company 's long history their main promotional goal is simply to inform customers that the company still exists.

The advertising copy instituted by Harley-Davidson is particularly limited. Beyond simply mentioning the name of the company and the location of the nearest dealership, no other written message is conveyed. Instead, the company focuses the customer 's attention on the art portion of the advertisement. Generally, this portion of the ad shows a shiny new bike standing alone, or someone riding along in a picturesque setting. Also, some Harley ads have shown the company logo and nothing else.

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