
Health Promoting Behavior Is Positively Associated With Diabetic Control Among Type 2 Diabetes Essay

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NUR 705
Format for Critique of Published Quantitative Research

Chia-Pei, C., Yun-Shing, P., Hsu-Huei, W., Hsiao-Yun, Y., & Mei-Yen, C. (2013). Health-promoting behavior is positively associated with diabetic control among type 2 diabetes patients. Open Journal of Nursing, 3(2), 274-280.

1. Purpose of the article. What is the overall purpose of the article? Try to state this in one sentence.

The purpose of this article study was to identify the association between practicing health promoting behaviors and diabetic control among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients.

2. Type of article. Is this article data-based, clinical, review or editorial?

The research study “Health-promoting behavior is positively associated with diabetic control among type 2 diabetes patients” is a data-based study.

3. Problem/Purpose/Aims/Research Questions/Hypotheses. Are these, or most of these items, clearly stated? Is the purpose clearly stated?

The research study overall was straightforward. The research problem, purpose, aims, research question was clearly stated. The purpose was clear and concise and agreed with the title. The research question for this particular research study was “Does promoting health promotion behaviors in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients improve glycemic control and result in healthier living. However, rather than a hypothesis, the researchers posed a statement where they were interested in exploring the

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