
How Beowulf Is A Hero

Decent Essays

Beowulf is a poem about a great hero that was told by the scops before the 700s. The story tells about how Beowulf fights against the most dangerous monsters and the worst kind of evil. In the end, Beowulf is killed because of the wound from the mighty dragon, but not before he kills the beast. Beowulf is a strong warrior from Geatland. He is the best warrior around and puts his life on the line multiple times throughout the poem to keep his title. Because Beowulf is courageous, dependable, and selfless, he is a hero. Beowulf is very courageous, so he is a hero. Throughout the poem, Beowulf shows how courageous he is multiple times. The definition of courageous is not deterred by danger or pain(Courageous). One specific time that he was courageous was when he left Geatland to go fight a monster over in Denmark. “Heard how Grendel filled nights with horror/ And quickly commanded a boat fitted out,/ Proclaiming that he’d go to that famous king,/ Would sail across the sea to Hrothgar,/ Now When help was needed”( Raffel 29). These lines show courage because Beowulf did not have to go fight a monster that was not bothering his land. Beowulf fought this monster even though it was dangerous. The danger of the monster did not deter him, which shows that …show more content…

The definition of dependable is reliable and trustworthy(Dependable). In the poem, Beowulf always comes through with the win. He killed both Grendel and Grendel’s Mother as well as the dragon. King Hrothgar begs Beowulf to please help kill Grendel’s Mother, and he agrees to complete the task or die trying. “And you, may now sleep/ Without fear of either monster, mother/ Or son.”(Raffel 75). Beowulf succeeds in killing both Grendel and his mother. Since Beowulf always completes his tasks and accomplishes what he has set out to do, he shows how dependable he is to the people. Heroes are always dependable, and Beowulf is always someone to call on when in need during the

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