
How Does Hamlet Show Courage

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“The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, or pain without fear.” This is the definition of courage. “Courage is measured by an individual’s willingness to continue fighting even when the likelihood of victory is small.” I agree with this quote. This quote is saying that courage is something inside everybody. It is what allows people to do daring and sometimes questionable things. The play “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” tells the story of a young prince who demonstrates his courage to avenge his father’s death. One example of Prince Hamlet’s great courage is shown early in the play. While guarding the castle many nights, the guards, Marcellus and Bernando, witness the ghost of what appears to be the late King Hamlet. After witnessing this on multiple occasions, Prince Hamlet decides to wait with the guards to see the phenomenon for himself. The ghost appears right on queue and tells Hamlet to follow it. This is where Hamlet demonstrates how …show more content…

Hamlet inserted an extra scene of a player (representing Claudius) killing another player (representing King Hamlet) with poison; this is exactly how Claudius’ actual murder happened. This was Hamlets attempt to get a reaction out of Claudius. Hamlets plan worked to perfection. Claudius becomes incensed and stops the play by shouting for lights. This is a courageous act by Hamlet because of the consequences he could, and would face from Claudius. This act made Claudius suspicious of Hamlets knowledge of the situation and forces Claudius to take action. He forces Hamlet to be taken to England to study. These actions from Claudius inform Hamlet that the ghost was right. Hamlets decision was daring, but although his chances were slim to catch him, Claudius gave Hamlet exactly what he was looking

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