
How Does Writing Affect The Human Brain

Satisfactory Essays

When you write, you often don’t think about the benefits it has on your brain. Our brains are wired to interpret written words, and many things happen in the brain as we write. So, how does writing affect the brain?
The human brain contains four lobes, two of which are associated with writing. The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that is responsible for speaking, writing, movement, reasoning, judgement, problem solving, and planning. The use of the frontal lobe is essential in writing, while the parietal lobe is important in reading. The parietal lobe is the part of the brain that interprets words and languages. People with damages to their parietal lobe often have trouble spelling and writing. You may believe that writing notes is a waste of time. However, writing things down is scientifically proven to help you remember things. When you write something down, you are stimulating a collection of cells called the reticular activating system. This collection of cells is responsible for filtering all of the information your brain must process and specifically gives what you are trying to focus on more attention. It has been proven that the physical act of writing forces your …show more content…

Your brain is divided into 3 parts-the Broca’s area, motor cortex, and the Wernicke’s area. When you listen to a presentation about a topic in bullet point form, only two parts of your brain are activated; those being the Broca’s area and the Wernicke’s area. These parts of your brain simply turn words into meaning, but nothing else. As a writer, I have to make sure that when I am telling a story, I am not giving cold hard facts. I do this because I want to interest the reader. I want them to remember my story- not struggle to remember the cold facts within it. While listening to a story, not only will those two parts be activated but the part of the brain associated with sensory will come

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