
Human Trafficking Is The Modern Day Slavery

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According to the U.S. State Department, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year. More than 70% are female and half are children (1). Human trafficking is now the modern-day slavery, where the victims involved are forced, intimidated and mislead into labor and sexual exploitation. Most human trafficking victims are lured into the trade by untrue possibilities made about job opportunities a good life that 's better than the one they live. Also many women from third world countries are tricked into this trade with the bait of false marriages. Furthermore, many of the victims are forced either directly with violence or indirectly with psychological blackmail into the trade. Human Trafficking is a worldwide issue people must stand up and fight against the traffickers and the issue itself needs to be brought to the attention of everyone, make a plan to stop trafficking of humans, and aid the victims. The effect of human trafficking is disturbing and even though the impact of it is faced by the victims; people globally suffer as a whole. But at the same time there are many ways to stop human trafficking and it is important to get involved and be a voice for those who have none.
There are three ways a person can be lured into trafficking. First a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return known as a pimp targets any young child or a woman who is vulnerable, insecure and has a deep need

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