
Importance Of Stick-Ability In Nursery, Grit In Primary School

Decent Essays

Stick-ability in nursery, grit in primary school. In high school it’s called growth mind-set but I know that in the real world its seems to just be called plain hard work. In fact it’s now deemed one of the most necessary academic traits and vital to the success of every student, but up until recently I have to say I wasn’t convinced. I’m good at music and bad at maths – therefor it’s far more productive for me to sit at a piano for 3 hours than to spend my evening working on quadratics and simultaneous equations – whatever those are. That s ME and everyone else I know has their own strengths and weaknesses too. We accept it and get on with it. However, recently, somebody I haven’t spoken to in years might have finally persuaded me that it

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