
Indentured Servants In Colonial America

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In colonial America, due to the influx in production and export of goods, slavery was most definitely inevitable. In the new world, the first form of labor that was used was indentured servitude. White males in colonial America would pay for citizens in Europe to take the journey across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World. Thus, the new citizens would have to sign a contract and work as an indentured servant for as many years as the contract states, typically four to seven years. All indentured servants in the colonies retained the rights of an English citizen, they had both civil rights and liberties. Over time, as life expectancy increased, indentured servants ended up costing plantation owners more money than expected, this caused plantation …show more content…

Most indentured servants did not outlive their contracts so their masters did not have to pay their servants any sort of freedom due – clothing, tools, or money. However, towards the middle of the seventeenth century, more and more indentured servants were outliving their contracts, so their masters had to start paying them their freedom dues. Costing masters and plantation owners more money and creating more competition in the new world for tobacco sales and exports. Most of the time they were robbed of their freedom dues because their plantation owner did not want to pay for it nor have the income to pay for the increasing amount of freedom dues that were needed. Therefore, creating a growing class of men who were landless and jobless. All the indentured servants that outlived their contracts had the knowledge to create and run their own plantations to make a profit of their own, whether they were provided freedom dues or not, this created more tension and competition in the new world economically. Freed indentured servants started to cause more problems with Native Americans and in the colony as a …show more content…

All slaves that were brought to the new world were either African American or Indian. The conditions that a slave went through to make it to the new world was horrendous. They traveled on ships that were over packed and the slaves were then chained together to prevent revolts. Slaves were also exposed to numerous new diseases and forms of harsh punishment and treatment. In the new world slaves were an extremely cheap form of labor, when a plantation owner had purchased their slaves they owned them for life. Slaves were usually taken off the ship and then auctioned off to potential owners. The owners would then bid on each slave, create and sign a contract and then take their slaves back to their, this was the start of slaves being viewed as objects instead of people. Eventually these contracts were eventually altered to state that any children that a male slave had would also be owned by that male slave’s plantation owner. In 1705, in Virginia, a law was passed stating the rights of a slave, in this law slaves were property, they could be bought and sold, they had no rights, slaves could be punished as a master feels fit. Slaves were no longer

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