
Is Beowulf A Hero

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More qualities than physical strength and willingness to do good in the world are needed to earn the title of being called a hero. Beowulf is a hero that put his life on the line for an entire kingdom. He must prove his worthiness of a superior warrior. He is recognized for his strengths and power of protecting his people. There are many qualities a hero must possess such as bravery and courage. Beowulf is an epic poem written by an unknown author during the Anglo Saxon time period in England. The poem begins when a demon named Grendel begins troubling King Hrothgar and his people with rampages. Upon receiving this new, a character with the name of Beowulf offers to fight the demon himself. Throughout the poem Beowulf put himself in risky situations that could potentially lead to mortality in order to protect the people of Danes. …show more content…

In his defense of the needy and his willingness to sacrifice his life to benefit others, Beowulf has definitely earned the right to be called a hero. Beowulf is not only a hero, but also an example to all warriors of what they should strive to be. This hero risks his death for glory and for the greater good of society; he possesses the virtues, traits, and beliefs that were respected in the Anglo-Saxon culture, and has super human strength. He saved people, fought bravely, was loyal, courageous, and rewarded those who fought bravely. Being a hero is not a title that is given, but rather earned. Heroes must be selfless and ethical when it comes to their actions and decisions. Beowulf died in battle with the dragon. Not only did he live as a hero, but died as one too. Overall, a hero is a person with distinguished qualities who goes against adversity to commit good deeds despite what could happen to them. A hero is a person who does things out of honor, bravery, and duty, not for rewards. Beowulf encompasses all of these qualities and

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