
Is Beowulf A Hero Or A Monster?

Decent Essays

Beowulf can be viewed as a hero or a monster depending on the point of view. If it’s the point of view of the villagers then he’s a hero to them because he killed the monsters and saved their village. But If you did it from the point of view of Grendel for instance he would probably describe Beowulf as a monster because he chopped off his arm and killed his mom right in front of him. So that is why I think Beowulf is both a hero and a monster

Beowulf was seen as a hero by King Hrothgar's people because he killed Grendel and his mom. This was heroic to the villagers because Grendel and his mom are powerful creatures/monsters and no one has able to succeed in a battle with Grendel or his mom. Since Beowulf was the only one who able to beat Grendel and his mom in a fight, King Hrothgar’s people look at him as a hero. …show more content…

Beowulf ends up defeating Grendel by chopping off his arm and he kills Grendel’s mom by decapitating her. The final thing that Beowulf does (literally!) that is heroic is when he is the king of the Geats, 50 years after his battles with Grendel and his mom, that he goes to into battle against a dragon that was angered by an escaped prisoner who stole his goblet. The dragon became very mad and started burning down buildings in the land of the Geats, so Beowulf stepped up to fight the dragon.. Beowulf was able to single-handedly take down the dragon, but sadly Beowulf’s life was also claimed in that

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