
Jerry Farber Education

Decent Essays

Grades: Unneccessary for Learning

30 years ago, the United States of America was ranked the leader in quality of education. However, today it is now reported to be the 36th highest in the world. The learning experience has altered drastically in the recent years. In his essay, “A Young Person's Guide to the Grading System,” Jerry Farber claims that students have become addicted to grades. He further explains that due to the negative impact grades have, people believe they need to be graded in order to keep them in line. In Farber's opinion, the grading system must change because grades are not the most substantial part of learning. I agree with Farber that grades are not as important as schools make them out to be, however, I do not completely agree with his method of fixing the current grading system.

In Farber's essay he explains how grades have negatively impacted the way we learn in and out of school. He thinks, due to the educational system, that people feel like they must be graded in order to feel a sense of accomplishment. Farber explains this when he says “We're grade junkies-convinced that we'd never learn without the A’s and F’s to keep us going” (Farber). This has hindered our way of learning because instead of truly …show more content…

The Credit System is a positive way that could change the way students learn. However it is not a realistic notion that all education systems will change to this method of learning. For example, what if a student only passes some of their classes associated with their grade level. Would the seniors graduate? How would educators determine what a “passing” grade is? Furthermore, if a student falls painfully behind, how will they receive the help they need if their peers are much farther ahead? This solution poses too many questions than answers are provided

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