
Julian Treasure's Speech Observation

Decent Essays

Speech Observation #1 “How to speak so that people will listen” is a thought provoking presentation given by Julian Treasure. He talks about the depths of the human voice and what it is capable of accomplishing. During his speech he talks about the “seven deadly sins of speaking” Which are gossip, negativity, complaining, excuses, penultimate, and dogmatism. He relates to his audience by asking them if they ever felt like they were speaking yet no one was listening. To this problem he provides solutions such as HAIL, which stands for honesty, authenticity, integrity, and love. Julian provides many answers to the questions many of have about how we can be heard and not become the background music to someone else’s world.
The speaker is extremely …show more content…

It seemed to me that multiple individuals in the crowed felt awkward and they didn’t seem to enjoy this part of his speech. Julian seems like a very educated speaker and I felt as though he should walk his points rather than stand statue still from the waist down. I also thought if he worked to keep his hands near his sides, when they aren’t needed for gestures, would help in his pursuit to create a relationship with the audience, instead of closing them off. For his power point descension, I would’ve tried to keep my slides all the same darker theme, and add more emphasis in his own voice to make it clear what is right and wrong.
Julian presented many tips that could potentially help anyone who’s trying to advance their speaking skills. He talks about the seven deadly sins of speaking which are gossip, negativity, complaining, excuses, penultimate and dogmatism. I will try my best to stray as far away as possible from these “sins.” I also agreed with his acronym HAIL, which encompassed the words honesty, authenticity, integrity and love. I really like the authenticity part of this, it seems to me that when many new people, including me, are put into the arena of public speaking it becomes a defense mechanism to be someone we are not. I think it is important for me to remember to be myself when I’m giving

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