
Leaders Are Born Not Made

Decent Essays

To begin this essay I would prefer to give a little scenario by asking ourselves, can all managers go on to be a leader? For several years, the concern whether leaders are born or made is an issue of great controversy. From different opinions however, it could be a little bit of both hence proving that any manager can go on to be a great leader as well. Among other definitions, Maxwell (1993, p.11) has defined leadership as an ability to influence others. He also defined a leader as a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal or goals.
Leaders are also thought to be people who listen and learn from others, energize the organization, act for the benefit of everyone, develop themselves and others, empower others to lead and recognize achievement. Throughout the history there are some living examples of those who have been identified as leaders. Those include Winston Church Hill, the man who stood alone against dictatorship and renewed the world 's faith in the superiority of democracy. Martin King Luther, who led a mass struggle for racial equality and changed America forever, Nelson Mandela who became the world 's most famous prisoner and became an example of a moral integrity far beyond South Africa. Richard Branson, who has become one of the greatest entrepreneur in today 's business world. And so on.

In psychology, trait theory is an approach to the study of human

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