
Lesson Plans Based On Piaget 's Vygotsky 's Theoretical Perspective

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Lesson Plans Based on Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theoretical Perspective The preschool is concerned with the child at different developmental stages (Berger, 2009). Teacher must ask herself two questions about the child at those stages. Firstly, how does the child think about and view his world? Secondly, what learning tasks should the child be given at this point in his development? To answer the questions, the teacher must orient herself to Piagetian developmental theory and sharpen her observational skills. However, in a classroom setting, the teacher is responsible for structuring interactions and developing instruction in small steps based on tasks the learner is already capable of performing independently. The teacher is also charged with providing support until the learner can move through all tasks independently. In order, for teachers, to guide learners through the tasks associated with learning a concept, they must understand Vygotsky’s perspective, that explain how cognitive tasks fit into the child’s cultural activities (Woolfolk, 2014). Piaget’s Lesson Plan Development area: Cognitive Development and General Knowledge Group size: 3 years. Objective: Children will be able to describe the differences and similarities of fruits and vegetables; they will talk about their length, weight, and color. Children will make observations, separate objects into groups based on similar attributes, compare lengths and mass, and develop questions based upon observations using the

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