
Personal Assignment : Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Personal Statement (Rough Draft)

In our lives, we have to make important choices, and sometimes our choices determine our happiness or sadness. As a Filipino, our families tell us to do well in school and to not make bad choices because they want us to be successful and to have ethical morals. Growing up as a Catholic, I was taught to be obedient and respectful to my family which has shaped who I am today. Yet, I too made some mistakes, and I learned from the consequences. From my failures, I learned to not belittle myself, but to grow.

I was known to be an introverted and quiet person. As I reflected, I questioned if I want to be like this forever. Of course not. In life, there are times where I have to deal with different people. I used to be nervous whenever I have to public speak and present in front of the class. But this all changed in Junior year of high school. In my Psychology class, we had to do a lot of presentations and public speaking. I was nervous in the beginning, but then it gradually goes away after practicing a lot.

Many people are already thinking about what they want their life to be like in the future. My future begins in college. I’ve been waiting to go to college since middle school. I’m interested in taking anything in the medical field such as nursing, pharmacist, medical technician, etc. I believe this will benefit me, my family, and other people because I want to take care of my family, other patients, and also myself by learning more about health science. To me, successful is happiness, and happiness is not necessarily being wealthy. My happiness is having to help people and also having a family who cares and supports me.

My family says that I should finish my studies first before working. They said it would be a struggle to pay for my car insurance, so I decided to look for a job. But that’s not the only reason why I wanted to work. I also wanted to work because I wanted to gain work experience so that it wouldn’t be hard for me when I get a job in the future. During my summer vacation, I applied to Target and had an interview. Unfortunately, I was unable to get the offer. I also applied to Century Theaters but they didn’t have a spot with my availability time. Finally, I

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