
Personal Narrative: My First AP Calculus Test

Decent Essays

A bright red 68 loomed at the top of my test, taunting me. I stared at the number, hubbub erupting in the class around me, attempting to dissect what went wrong. The night before I had meticulously studied my notes and done countless practice problems, analyzing how to properly do them. Had I reviewed the wrong material? What had gone wrong? In preparation for my next AP calculus test, I began to study every day in hopes of raising my grade. I consistently did my homework and reviewed my notes after school. When test day arrived, I felt more prepared than ever. As I went through the test, I felt familiar with the concepts and confidently went about the problems. A few days passed and my teacher handed back the tests. I slowly turned the paper around and peered at the top; the number 84 peeked out at me. A huge weight lifted from me and a wave of relief came down across. “Only an 84? Wow.” I whipped my head around to see who dared to say that. I was happy with my score, for it was a great improvement from my past grade. I knew how much I had worked for this and I felt proud, but my arch-nemesis, Michael Sober, ;;;;; …show more content…

Another person may think that this environment would be detrimental to my learning spirit, but the effect was quite the opposite. For one, it motivated me to try harder, as my surrounding classmates had high A's in the class while I struggled to retain my low B. Instead of narrowly studying only for tests, I began to think into the future and study more long-term. Furthermore, my zealous classmates invoked my competitive spirit. Even if my overall grade was a B, I was still learning. Maybe the test scores didn't show it, but I felt as though my mindset had been altered for the

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