
Personal Statement On Child Development

Decent Essays

Michelle Seiler
CD #2 Philosophy on Child Development
1) Why you have chosen to be in the field. Children in this field can develop a positive self-esteem, foster a love of learning, and develop important social skills. I choice the field of child development because preschool age children are eager to learn and a joy to teach. I enjoy creating developmentally appropriate activities for children. They enjoy a variety of activities and need to be guided through play. The qualities most preschoolers share are they love to take on roles such as a mommy, teacher, or other grown up role, they want to please the adults and they are learning to communicate their needs. Early childhood education research shows children who attend preschool programs are more likely to succeed in many things such as going to college, graduate high school, staying out of prison. Children will learn important social skills that may help them such as learning good manners at snack, raising their hand during circle time, and many other skills. I plan to further my education by reading books by child development experts, taking more child development classes/workshops and professional development workshops as needed.

2) Teacher qualities and responsibilities to children and their families. The five qualities all teachers share are they are nurturer, observer, faciliator, and an inquisitor. Teacher’s nurture children by caring for children and encourage their growth and development.

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