
Persuasive Essay About Speeding

Decent Essays

Speeding is a huge issue on the road for australians. Why is speeding an issue, there are four main reasons why, which are; speeding is a major contributing factor in road crashes, speeding increases the risk of crashing, speeding increases a result of an injury and speeding is a main source of car crash which increases death for passengers or bystanders. There are different types of speeding they are, Low level speeding (5 km/h to 10 km/h), Excessive speeding (Way over the limit), and inappropriate speeding (speeding in bad weather conditions). There are numbers of ways Australia are coming together to create new ways to reduce spedding. Some ways the government are trying to reduce speeding are speed cameras, demerit points and campaigns. …show more content…

Visual videos make younger adolescents more involved and concentrated on the film. In campaign videos it more visual to see the direct message that it's trying to set out. An example of a campaign known is the ''pinkie'', the Roads and Traffic Authority's advertisement ''Speeding: No One Thinks Big of You'' featured several young and old women waving their pinkie fingers at young men speeding, suggesting the size of their manhood had driven them to speed. “On the Sydney Morning Herald” it states “The behavioural change campaign, splashed across television, radio, print and billboards from 2007 to 2009, became one of NSW's most successful campaigns.” This ad is the third most shared story in the world, from this most of young drivers in Australia had been encouraged to stick to the speed limit. Finally demerit points are another way to reduce the speeding. Demerit points are a way to stop speeding and ensure and encourage safe and responsible driving. Double demerit points are also a way to stop speeding. Double demerits occur on public holidays and long weekends. This is effective because on those specific days it's known people to speed to get to places and to attend an event, they make us slow down on speed. In “Do double demerits work - WAGA” “For fatal crashes, the decrease during double demerit periods was 24%, compared to an increase of 32% during non double demerit

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