
Presentation Plan For A Presentation

Better Essays

BSBCMM401 Make a presentation Part 1: Plan two presentations The first part of the assessment requires you to develop a plan for both of your presentations. For each of the presentations you deliver, you will need to develop a presentation plan in the template included at Appendix A. You will be required to provide detailed information for each of the areas included in the template. You will need to send your plans to your assessor by the agreed date. Your assessor will provide you with feedback on your plan as needed. Appendix A: Presentation Plan Template Purpose of presentation 1 To deliver the information on how to improve customer service Desired outcome from presentation 1 Audiences to be able to understand: Able to dealing with difficult clients and complaints Communicate effectively with customers Develop and maintain customer service standards Create positive impression Presentation and manner Presentation 1 strategy Discussion share with group Audience characteristics and how the presentation needs to be geared to meet this – include how you will cater for a multicultural audience for your group presentation Audience characteristics: language, literacy and numeracy needs: For example, Write clearly and concisely, Refer to their letter, date and query, Be friendly without being too informal ,Check your spelling and grammar, use a language that each audience can understand and translate if they couldn’t understand cleary How you will cater for a multicultural

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