
Procrastination Doom Loop Analysis

Decent Essays

The two articles, 'The Procrastination Doom Loop- And How to Break It' and 'This Was Supposed To Be My Column For New Years' both provide much information about procrastination. One example is that it has more to do with emotion than time. In the article, written by Derek Thompson, he talks about how each of us recognizes it is important to go to the dentist, but still put it off. We look away from this because the pain is too upfront and the rewards are too small. Another example is having nothing to distract you and everything ready to go, but not writing an email back because you don't feel like it. Procrastination can be an effective tool for getting things done. Procrastination is an effective tool for getting things done when you have a deadline. A study by Dan Ariely has shown that, with three groups, the group that performed the best had external deadlines reminding them each week. Our own deadlines have been proven to be less effective than other people's deadlines. We see ours as less immediate and therefore hesitate to react upon it. We also usually give ourselves time to put it off, making it a challenge to get started. However, the …show more content…

Positive procrastination is bouncing your work off each other, procrastinating on one while working on another. Dr. Perry, a philosopher at Stanford, says "anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment." He also states that by making more commitments, you get more done; by not doing one, you're working on another. Dr Steel, a psychologist, says that "we are willing to pursue any vile task as long as it allows us to avoid something worse." Raymond Chandler also introduces the 'Nothing Alternative.' Raymond forced himself to write books by setting two rules: he didn't have to write, but he couldn't do anything else, and to keep himself from being bored he would write just to be

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