
Reflection Of Public Speaking

Decent Essays

To Begin, we are learning how to publicly speak and we are doing this by presenting to the class. I’m going to look at things I did well, and things not so well. Also I will be providing evidence for what I believe. So far we have accomplished three presentations, the first one was what we have done this summer, the second one we did was over a chapter in a book called Nickeled and Dimed, the last one we’ve done is over a bank of our choice. First, we talked about what we did in the summer, in order to establish a good base point at where we are and to see how well we are with speaking in front of a group. I’ll be starting off saying some of the things I believe I did well, I was loud so the whole class could hear me it's not hard to hear me in the video so that is why I believe I was loud. Also, I had emotion when I was speaking and was clear so you could understand me, when you watch the video you can see them both that I did them well. Next, I’ll talk about the things I didn't do so well, the biggest thing I did wrong would be reading off the note card. When watching the video you can clearly see i’m reading directly from the card therefore I had no eye contact either. I also swayed from side to side, and stuttering sometimes. I am really surprised to see the stuttering and swaying I didn’t notice I was doing that tell I seen the video. That is the first presentation we accomplished and was definitely not the best. In addition, the second presentation I did

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