
Ilm 5 Effective Presentations

Better Essays

M5.27 Making a Professional Presentation

Contents Page

• Be able to plan a professional presentation o Aims and objectives of the presentation are identified o The intended audience for the presentation is identified and their level of understanding of the presentation topic is assessed o Information of the presentation topic of researched, evaluated and selected o The content and structure of the presentation is planned o Visual aids and other materials required for the presentation are prepared o The location and any equipment for the presentation is prepared
• Be able to deliver a professional presentation o Your Subject matter is presented at an appropriate level of understanding for the audience and is supported …show more content…

Additionally i used the room to practice my presentation utilising the actual equipment I would use on the day to make sure a was familiar with the it and how it worked.

• Be able to deliver a professional presentation
I pitched my presentation knowing who the audience was and preconceived assumptions of their knowledge and understanding, as mentioned above. Feedback from the audience at the end of the presentation suggested the content level was appropriate. I used multiple sources of data (ILM Handouts / Internet) to verify that the presentation was factually correct.
I ensured whilst I made my presentation that I spoke clearly and steadily. I have a tendency to talk quickly so I paid particular attention to controlling the speed of my voice. I also ensured I maintained eye contact with my audience and tried not to focus just on one individual.
Please see attached Presentation.

• Be able to evaluate own ability to make a professional presentations
The feedback I received was varied. The planning, structure and content of the presentation was good and well structured. Based on this feedback I was happy with the flow and how the presentation came across from this perspective. As a result I don’t think I would change how I went about creating the presentation. I do a lot of planning and project work as part of my day to day job so structuring it I found quite

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