
Sample Resume : Aerospace Engineering

Better Essays

Kingston University
The faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing

ME5014 Quality Assignment
Aerospace Engineering
Second Year
Academic Year 2014-2015

Saber Ahmed Konstantin Volkov

Introduction 3
Origins of ISO9001 3
Requirements 4
Preparations 9
Benefits of Certification 9
Certification Process 10
Retaining Certification 10
Conclusion 11
Bibliography 12


Within any given industry, a level of quality has to be ascertained as to ensure that clients of products and goods were receiving the best possible level of quality for their desired product. Quality meant that the expectations of a client had to be met consistently. Business throughout the world started development of standards and …show more content…


Origins of the ISO9001

The evolution of quality would continue throughout World War 1 and 2 along with major reformations in quality control through the computer age in the 1980’s (Mitra, 2006, p. 5). A greater scale of cooperation was needed to develop and align common economic goals and strategic objectives. After the European Free Trade Association was founded in 1960 (Grønningsæter, 2014) and countless countries join throughout the decades; an agreement was signed in 1992 where the standardisation of quality control would be common amongst European markets. European Countries wishing to do business with one and other could now standardise their quality control and assurance through standardised means of practise; though this would be done through a standardisation agency.
The ISO9000 roots date back to 1946, to a conference in London where a committee of nations were standardising the organisation of quality. A union between two previous standardisation organisations allowed the birth of the ISO (Latimer, 2012); the merger of the International Federation of the National Standardising Associations (ISA) and the United Nations Standards Coordinating Committee (UNSCC).
91 nations in all would adopt the standards for quality by 1987 and these nations would further revise and reform the standards in 1994 and again heavily at

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