
The Detrimental Effects of Concussions

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In recent years concussions have become more and more of a topic due to their effects on the people who receives them. Concussions can cause a multitude of problems for a person later in their life whether they suffered from a major concussion or just a minor concussion. These problems can occur if a person ended up with multiple concussions over a lifetime or if they only have had one single concussion The problems a person can encounter are all somewhat connected but very diverse at the same time. Most of the problems a person will encounter will be due to a change in that person's brain but they can range from simple memory problems to suicidal problems.
The problem with concussions are that not everybody takes them serious enough. Some people like football players will just blow it off. After taking a big hit and barely being able to get to the sidelines they will be right back in the game on the next possession. Others like coaches might not take a player’s concussion serious because they know without that player they might not be able to win thus putting the players long term health into effect. Concussions are very devastating and cause many people future problems no matter what some doctors say.
The brain is an organ that is essential to everything people do. Whether it is remembering something or just talking to someone the brain is in charge of it. So when a person takes a blow to the head or body the brain shakes inside of the skull and they can have a

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