
The Effects of Fairy Tales in Anne Sexton's Cinderella Essay

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Fairy tales have always been focused towards children ever since Walt Disney took over the industry of remaking these stories. He took out all of the gore and some of the violence to make it more acceptable for children. With Anne Sexton's version of Cinderella, she brings back the gore and violence to its full capacity just like with the original Brothers Grimm story. Sexton's poetic version of Cinderella gives a humorous and eye-opened twist to this classic fairy tale. What brings all of these stories together is the way they all socialize women to make them naive. With this in mind, fairy tales do humiliate and objectify women to get them to accept violence within society. One way that Sexton shows how fairy tales socialize …show more content…

In order for women to get ahead in the world, the fairy tales say that they have to be with a Prince Charming type figure that has money and is famous. Most of the fairy tales that were made by the Brothers Grimm have royalty as a factor in the main character's happy ending. Whether it is the poor girl marrying a prince or a princess getting the kiss of life, all of the stories end to perfect leaving so many women with their heads in the clouds. They objectify women by showing them what they need to be to have that happy ending, an encounter with royalty. Another way that these tales make women accept violence is by making them as desperate as a person could possibly look. The fairy tale does it in two different ways, secretively and blatantly. They show desperation with Cinderella when show will do anything to go to the ball. It would have been a more effective form of desperation if she did not have all the birds in the world helping her. She would of done it herself it would of made her able to go. Making women look desperate is apparently what this society is going for. When women are desperate, they will do anything, which is what the poem is trying to subliminally work into women's heads. The obvious way that the poem did this was with the stepsisters and the amputations of feet parts to be with a guy, if that does not say desperate, what cruel

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