
The Energy And Environmental Design System

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In reaction to our current global environmental crisis, the idea of eliminating negative environmental impacts attracts environmental policy makers and markets to sustainable or green design. As a result, a variety of industries have adopted sustainable design, including consumer goods, fashion, landscape design and architecture to meld striking design and function. However, the realm of architecture exhibits a unique challenge to sustainability. Construction projects generally utilize large amounts of material, produce waste and oftentimes involve vetting the preservation of buildings that have historical significance against the desire for modern designs. To help alleviate this issue, the introduction of the LEED, or Leadership in Energy …show more content…

Persuading clients to embrace green design in their projects will improve the health and diversity of the inhabitants, the community, the economy and the planet. Consequently, it is up to technical writers to take action and help push the industry further.


The keywords supporting this research question can be divided into four main themes- people/players, problems, objectives and strategy.

• People/Players- Audience, Clients, Ecologically conscious consumer, Stakeholders, Architecture, Building, Construction, Structure

• Problems- Environmental problems, Greenhouse gases, Emissions, Waste

• Objectives- Sustainable, Sustainability in design, Sustainable development, Green design, Green buildings, Energy conservation, Energy efficient buildings, Environmental awareness, Client preferences, Client satisfaction, Green building performance, Designing for usability

• Strategy- Advertising, Marketing, Promotion, Pitch, Persuasion, Green marketing strategy, Ecological marketing, Socially responsible strategies, Environmental strategy, Request for proposal (RFP), Proposal writing in business, Business communication, Document design, Visual communication


I. Convincing Clients to Go Green

Tags: Construction industry, Green Marketing, Environmental impact, Client attitudes, Social responsibility

A. Study Summary: The majority of construction clients are unaware of the negative environmental impacts that their

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